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1.  What happens if local or state governments impose a lock-down or capacity restriction?  In the event that we are forced to cancel an event, any keepsakes (t-shirt, etc) already purchased for your child will be mailed to the address on file.  Any unused funds will be donated to local charities that help young teens.  You will receive a tax-deductible receipt for your contribution.  

2. What happens if there is wide-spread illness at the time of the event?  Events will only be cancelled if required by local government or the venue. If your child does not attend, any keepsakes that were purchased for your child will be given to your schools parent rep for distribution. 

3.  Is there an outdoor area at the event?  Cotillion events typically do not have outdoor areas.  Depending on the venue, the semi-formal  event may have an enclosed outdoor area.

4.  Can students arrive via bus or limo? Yes.  We will need to be notified of any large vehicle carrying more than 10 students in advance so that we can accommodate them in the traffic plan.

5.  Is the event chaperoned?  Yes, we have 1 chaperone for every 25 students in attendance. 

6.  Will there be security on site?  Yes, depending on the venue, multiple officers from a security company or SAPD will be there for the entirety of the event.

7.  Can my home-schooled child attend?  Yes.  Select the public school to which you would normally be zoned.

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