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Log in

If you are registering multiple students:

- You will need a different e-mail address for each registration.  

Please note:  You MUST LOG OUT of the first account you created before you can add another.  Just click the icon in the top right corner and select 'log out'.

If you only have one e-mail address, you can easily use your mobile phone number as a secondary e-mail address.  Use your 10-digit phone number "@" your wireless provider's texting domain name. Here are some of the most popular providers' texting domain names:

AT&T: [number]

Sprint: [number] or [number]

T-Mobile: [number]

Verizon: [number]

Boost Mobile: [number]

Cricket: [number]

Metro PCS: [number]

Tracfone: [number]

U.S. Cellular: [number]

Virgin Mobile: [number]

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